Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Letter To My Hero

Dear Hon Odinga.

My name is Brian Edgar Omwango, and I am a Childcare Assistant at Faraja Children’s Home in Ngong town, Kajiado North District. I hail from Sirandalo Village in Budalang'i, Busia County, where I am a registered voter.

As I write this, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta has just been declared the duly elected President of the Republic of Kenya. Bar the intervention of the Supreme Court or, God forbid, a catastrophic event, he shall on 26th March 2013 become the fourth person to be sworn in as President in Kenya’s history.

Personally, I would not have wanted a Kenyatta presidency. Of the eight candidates who contested the presidency on March 4th 2013, you were by far my most preferred candidate, although I also had a soft spot KNC’s Hon. Peter Kenneth, whose campaign in my opinion was the only one driven by issues which matter and not personality. His candidature was followed in more or less equal approval by those of Hon. Martha Karua and Mr. James Ole Kiyapi, with President-elect Kenyatta’s candidature coming a distant fifth. I found Hon. Paul Muite’s run nothing more than a vanity project,  Mr. Abduba Dida ran as a joke in my opinion, and the very thought of Hon. Musalia Mudavadi in State House scares the shit out of me.

Anyway, it was apparent from a very early stage that Hon Kenneth’s chances were only slightly better than a pig breeder’s in Saudi Arabia, and that you were the only candidate who stood a realistic chance of competing against President-elect Kenyatta and even winning.  So I consolidated my support and my vote behind you, and fervently prayed and hoped, with millions of other Kenyans, that you would go through and clinch the presidency.

But sadly, it wasn’t to be. President-elect Kenyatta had the numbers, and he sailed through.

Right now, you have reportedly challenged President-elect Kenyatta’s election at the Supreme Court, seeking a comprehensive re-tallying of the votes as there apparently were irregularities with the Independent Elections and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)’s tallying process which handed him the win.

As I write this, we do not know how the Judges are going to rule, and it is impossible to speculate. To be honest, my preference would be that the judges at the Supreme Court rule in your favor and order a fresh tallying exercise, which returns a landslide win for you. But I also understand that President-elect Kenyatta himself represents the aspirations of millions of Kenyans, including some very close friends of mine, and not only will such an outcome be devastating for them, but the way they voted for him makes such an eventuality hugely unlikely.

It is thus only logical to assume that even were the Supreme Court to rule in your favor and a re-tallying process happened to shave off the roughly 5000 votes which pushed President-elect Kenyatta over the 50%+ 1 vote threshold he needed to win the presidency outright , chances of you winning in the second round would be very limited. Not impossible, but very difficult.

In this regard, therefore, I have made my peace with the prospect of a Uhuru Kenyatta presidency. Like I said, President-elect Kenyatta wasn’t my first, second or even fourth choice, but his presidency is, as far as can be ascertained at the present moment, the will of millions of people who have every right as I do to call themselves Kenyans. Having fulfilled the requirements spelled out in the Constitution I helped draft, voted for and promulgated, I acknowledge that he shall be my President and sincerely wish him well.

But where does this leave you, dear Hon. Odinga?

First of all, I would like you to understand that much as I have acknowledged President-elect Kenyatta’s victory in the elections, I do not and will never accept the manner in which it was won. As a patriot who believes in my nation’s unity in diversity, I find it apalling that our shared destiny has been taken hostage by the so-called ‘Tyranny of Numbers’ brand of ethnic-based politics President-elect Kenyatta so blatantly employed to win the elections; and from the moment Commissioner Hassan declared him the winner, I vowed to seek out as many people as possible who found the phenomenon as obnoxious as I did and form an army to fight it with every drop of sweat, blood, energy and intellect we’ve got.

Secondly, I want to emphasize that elections failure notwithstanding, I still consider you my leader, and my dream of seeing you one day govern this country from State House, although disappointed, remains as alive and aflame as ever. I have always admired your brand of politics and your evident desire for social justice, and your fight for the second and third liberations of Kenya is the stuff of legend. You are the only national politician credible enough to galvanize widespread affection of citizens across countrywide demographics, and your leadership has always transcended ethnic persuasion and considerations.

It is your nationalist credentials and your kind of leadership that the fight I have taken upon myself requires, and thus in a nutshell, the purpose of my letter to you is to humbly implore you to remain at the front page of the fabric of our national political discourse. President-elect Kenyatta may have beaten you to the apex of Kenya’s leadership, but he does not represent the aspirations of what my vision of nationhood is. I shall honor and respect him as my President, but it is you, Sir, that shall be the beacon for the direction I have chosen to seek for my Nation.

God Bless you and God Bless Kenya.

Yours Sincerely
Brian Edgar Omwango